Most of academic research is focused on Notation-202. With the Stoney Time, there are over 4605-tredecillion spheres/second.Ĭonclusions. If we use Planck Time, 539 tredecillion spheres per second are generated. We can assume one infinitesimal sphere per unit of infinitesimal time. The results, 202 base-2 notations encapsulate our universe, and forthwith, we have the beginning of a deeper knowledge and understanding of our universals and dynamics. To begin to understand an integrated view of the universe, we’ve applied base-2 notation to that first moment. Yes, we can blame our little worldview for all our mistakes in judgment. When we rely on limited worldviews, we make mistakes. Eventually everything must cohere with the three otherwise it is deemed illogical, put on hold, and eventually thrown out.ĭiscussion: Analysis and Synthesis. These are the “really-real” foundations of logic and scientific knowledge these are also the basis for our judgements and even for our new insights.

And, in so doing, these three provide infinity with a very different look and feel: continuity, symmetry, and harmony. There are three aspects or facets of pi ( π) that appear to qualify. that first instance, the very first moment of space-and-time approximately 13.81 billion years ago, is best understood through our oldest, most-used, least-understood equation that defines a sphere, pi ( π).Īnother key: What is not finite about pi and its spheres is, by default, infinite. A basic structure, more simple than particles and waves, is an infinitesimal sphere. Today’s logic, science and mathematics also tell us about these foundations. And surprisingly, within this process we also discover the inherent foundations of ethics and values. It is all about basic structure, basic relations, and the essential dynamics of the universe. That first year captures the most pivotal part of the history of the universe. Within our 202 base-2 notations to outline our universe, that is the first moment of space-and-time, Notation-0 to Notation-169. 1 That is the first year that starts at the very first instance of space-and-time. The first year of history gives us the most guidance. To make good judgements, it’s not the last 10 years, 100 years or 1000 years that are key. | Zzzz’sĪbstract: To grasp and understand the deepest dynamics of our universe, we begin with a mathematically-integrated view of our universe - 202 base-2 notations, from the very first moment of time to this very day, a duration of over 13.81 billion years and from where pi (π) generates tredecillions of primordial spheres per second assuming one infinitesimal sphere per unit of Planck Time and Planck Length.* Do whatever you want with that information.CENTER FOR PERFECTION STUDIES: CONTINUITY The world record is still yet to be verified by the Guinness Book of Records but the researchers have released the last 10 digits which are 7817924264. This helps to optimize different kinds of technologies and their vast applications in different fields. You might be wondering what’s the point of calculating all these decimal places of pi? Well, these high-speed calculations help determine the best algorithms which in turn helps to demonstrate how quick something is to achieve a given task.

This is now of particular benefit to our research partners, with whom we jointly carry out computationally intensive projects in data analysis and simulation.“ “In the course of preparing and performing the calculations, we were able to build up a lot of know-how and optimize our processes. Dr Heiko Rölke, head of DAViS, in a statement. “ We wanted to achieve several goals with the record attempt,” said Prof. But now, seems like DAViS is in the lead with a whopping 62.8 trillion digits in only 108 days (Talk about fast computing power). This record was broken by Timothy Mullican from the non-profit North Alabama Charitable Computing in 2020 for recording 50 trillion digits which took almost 8 months to compute. The previous world record was held by Emma Haruka Iwao and team from Google in 2019 who computed pi to 31.4 trillion decimal places. The whole calculation was done by a supercomputer at the Center of Data Analytics, Visualization, and Simulation (DAViS) and took 108 days and nine hours to achieve the record (imagine if you were calculating it by hand, it’d easily take you years). A quick history lesson on pi while we’re at it