In the TED video Boaz Almog explains that the thin superconducting wafer can support 70,000 times it’s own weight, and that the disk he is holding can actually support the weight of a small car, right in his hand. Here are the URL’s to the videos: and (Boaz Almog’s TED demonstration). It can then be placed above a magnet or magnetic track and locked into position. The disk is super cooled using liquid Nitrogen and becomes a superconductor. – They start with a thin sapphire disk, Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide, or just plain ceramic disk. – I think this all really deals with a phenomenon called “Quantum Locking”.Īn Israeli company called Quantum Experience Ltd put out a few videos on Youtube as well as a TED demonstration of the phenomenon. The top craft deploys and repairs vital satellites in the National Security Satellite System. That aircraft “supposedly” carries another craft to the upper atmosphere (top craft does not have the engine power for takeoff, just space flight?). The technology referred to in the PACL CARET documents reminds me of the rotating loop of superconducting fluid that the TR3B or TRB3 (triangular craft from the Nevada Test Site) supposedly has.
If you’re interested in trying to crack this for yourself, feel free to download pages 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123 from Isaac’s Fortune City pages, and see how far you can get. Note that I’m guessing those leading digits are 1’s, on the basis that Benford’s Law probably also holds true on alien worlds. To my eyes, this gives the impression of someone cut-and-pasting nonsense numbers – I’d predict that the shapes either side of the repeated string on the left are ‘(‘ and ‘)’ respectively ( they reappear in matched pairs elsewhere in the diagrams), that the left pair of strings each reads “(5604)”, and that the other two strings encipher ’12’ and ‘160’. For example, here are some of the number-like text fragments from various pages:.

Hence, I predict that the UFO hoaxer created a simple A-Z/0-9 alien font in Adobe Illustrator and just typed a load of technical-looking nonsense along lots of curved paths.

There seems to be a sharp language-like distribution to the symbols.There seem to be a Romance-language-size character set.There seems to be an explicit numbering system.For all Isaac’s talk that this expresses a ‘non-compiled alien symbolic programming language’ ( yeah, riiiight), it closely resembles a European monoalphabetic cipher in the following basic ways:. Though I’m not a ufologist ( “Men In Black” is about as close as I get), what I like here is his funky alien alphabet – equal parts Star Fleet and Japanese (Kana). There’s a ton of online discussion of Isaac’s images, nowadays mostly centring on whether Adobe Illustrator or Adobe AutoCAD was used to create his pretty diagrams ( I’d say Adobe Illustrator, with lots of text and element reuse to make it seem like more than it actually is). “Isolated view of a three-node AB-type semaphore cascade, extending from an exterior vertex of an octal junction”).
Some of these show machines ( like a junkyard engine with neatly stencilled-on white lettering), while others are extracts from technical report “PACL Q4-86” ( though why smuggle out a redacted version?) showing abstract representations of octal software / hardware with wonderfully obfuscated descriptions ( e.g. So far, so mainstream UFO subculture: but what moves Isaac’s story into the A-list of recent UFO narratives is the set of lovingly-constructed images accompanying it. Ever heard of Palo Alto CARET Labs? Nope, neither had anyone else until “Isaac” posted about his experiences at “PACL” in the mid-1980s as part of a team trying to turn “extraterrestrial technology” taken from “crash sites” into consumer goodies ( such as a personal anti-gravity machine, apparently) for our sated materialist society.